

Contribution: Major contributor on ecosystem service evaluation (wood production)/ statistical analysis

The objectives of AFFORBALL are divided into four “research components”. First, it is a matter of better understanding this resource (stock status, volumes of mobilizable wood) and the determinants of wood mobilization (RV n° 1). Secondly, the production of “ecosystem services” such as forest recreation or the improvement of groundwater quality will be evaluated (RV n°2). In a third step, the project will examine the perception of risks among forest owners and measures to adapt to them (RV n°3). In the fourth stage (RV n°4), the project will question the future, based on development scenarios of the sector, and in particular the economic and environmental impacts of these scenarios.

Guillaume Salzet
Guillaume Salzet
PhD student in tropical forest bioeconomics

Bioeconomics/ Ecosystem services/ Ecology